Friday, June 19, 2009

8 things + QUESTION

I was tagged a couple of days ago, bas i couldn't find the time to do this
But, now i have the time, so here it goes ... 
w M, thanks for the tag hun ;* w allah ygawim your dad blsalama 

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
- Europe <3
- Graduation
- Ramadan, best part of the year :D
- All the TV shows to start again in September :P
- My birthday in July
- Finishing my story xD
- Hopefully getting good grades

8 Things I wish I could do:
- Travel around the world
- Tan without burning - For me, I burn THEN the tan comes a few days later :P
- Bake
- Control the weather. Haha, random i know :P But right now there's a dust storm and it's so windy w i want it to stoppp >.<
- Flyyy. Again, random. But there was a bird next my window w it just flew away...
- Draw <3
- Speak Spanish
- Stop procrastinating 

8 Things I love:
- My friends and family
- Shoes
- Online shopping - my new addiction (L)
- Photography & my camera
- Photoshop
- My laptop
- My Blackberry
- London during the winter

8 Things I did yesterday - my day was pretty much uneventful so things I'm gonna list are lame xD
-  Go shopping
- Work on my story
- I took my brother to the pearl because he wanted to see the Ferraris -.-
- Sleeeeeep <3>
- Eat
- Worked on an art project
- Bought flowers
- Spoke on the phone

8 Shows I watch:
- One Tree Hill
- Gossip Girl
- 90210
- Desperate Housewives
- House
- Bones
- Lost
- Heroes

8 Bloggers I tag (I'll just tag a few 'cause most of you were already tagged XD)
- Mimil - So you can start your blog :P
- MOTH - 'cause you've been gone, god knows where. Come back ! 
- ATW - Who's finally back :D

Everyone else i wanna tag is already tagged, so yeah :P

Ok, so I'm writing my story. BUT all i can come up with are short posts :P So, would you guys want me to post the short ones or post one long one? If you choose the long one, then you'd have to wait a while. Inspiration hits me rarely.


  1. a) Thanks for the tag :D
    b) LOL about the tanning ;p
    c) Inshalllah you get amazing grades :DDD
    d) and your posts are fine just as they are ! :P

  2. AHHH Fidait London in the Winter <3 I LOVE IT.
    And I love all the TV shows you watch, especially Gossip Girl, DAAAN ! <33

    And no 3adii your posts are good :* It's Quality not Quantity ;)

  3. I'm ok with short posts if u keep them coming regularly :P

    The sand storm is so weird 9a7? nezalt at'3ada at 2 and it was sunny.. i went to villagio at 4:30 and i could barely see infront of my feet!

    allah ysalmech 7abeebty he's feeling much better :*

  4. Ahh the Summer aham shay right now :P RELAXATION
    When r u graduating??
    Happy Early B-Day daaahling
    I wana travel the world tooo
    Procrastinating is a gr8 pass time :P
    Love the shows u watch bas i stopped watching a few a while back:P

    I love ur posts whether they r long or short.. So whatever suits u daahling im for it..

  5. Atw - Thaanks ! :D

    Anon - omg, i hate Dan :P He just pisses me off. I so agree to the quote though, it's quality NOT quantity

    M - Yeah, it was so random, Kint abee a6la3 bas lamma i saw it my mood changed w rja3t il beit :P Thanks for the comment ;*

    Dazzlin - Next year :D Hopefully :P I watch wayy more, i forgot to add Grey's and Private Practice, they're both amazing.

  6. OMG! looooool i just read this and i cnt believe you tagged me *blushing* even though i know its for your own selfish reasons of trying to get me to start a blog :$ which you know im literally not able to do :p
    But OMG summer only one day away and im sooooo dreading the report cards allah y3een :o

  7. Mimilll - haha ok fine that's true (a) Bas you're doing it ok? You have to .. and LOL i already got mine today xD
