Monday, April 27, 2009

The Tables Have Been Turned (5)

Ok, so here's the next part, as promised :D

I hope you guys like it .. 


Continued from the previous diary entry…

So I picked up the phone…
“Aloo” he said
“Hala, shlonik?”
“il7amdillah, inti?”
“I’m good 5aled” I said. Ok fine, maybe it was a little too rude. But he was interrupting my tanning time
“Juju… laish matridee 3al messegaat?”
“Oh, sorry … I didn’t get anything! There must be something wrong with the network hnee in Dubai. Madree.”

Yes. I lied. I actually did get his messages. He asked me how I did on my exam and random stuff like that. You probably think I’m a bitch right? Anyway.. as I said before, I want to take my mind off of everything and everyone.

“I missed you these couple of days, I thought shay 9ar ”

All I could think was ‘Dude. Chill. It hasn’t even been three/four days’

“Wait.. Aish? You’re in Dubai?!” Mhmmm. I didn’t tell him. Must have slipped my mind.

“5aled. What? So al7een you’re mad at me 3lshan I didn’t tell you that I was going to Dubai with Sara?”

“Im not mad. Laish I get mad? Bil3aks 7beebti, have fun. A9lan you need that after your exams.”

Ok diary, don’t get me wrong. I know I'm being rude to him... but after he said those three words to me. I couldn’t even talk to him anymore. I mean, we were good at first, he just had to ruin it by saying that.

“Oh … ok. Anyway, I’m kinda tanning so I have to go.  Bye”

After that I turned to Sara.

“SARAAAA why isn’t he breaking up with me? Isn’t he supposed to be mad at me for not answering his messages and phone calls? Or for not telling him that I’m traveling?!”

“WHAT! You want him to break up with you? When did this happen? WHY??!”

“Umm. Hello? Have you not been paying attention to the latest updates? He said I love you. I obviously can’t stay in this relationship anymore”

“Juju. Chub ok? Just shut up. The dude loves you. Do you know how many girls would LOVE to be in your place right now? W it’s not like he’s an ass, 5aled’s an amazing guy..."

“Saraaa, I don’t know what to do. I didn’t get together with him to find love. Come on, you know that. I just wanted to get my mind off of other things and it worked. Im fixed, so there’s really no need for 5aled anymore”

“JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJ! shfeech? Are you listening to yourself. Please, for a second replay what you just said in your head. Umm, you don’t need him anymore? WHAT THE HELL. Like he’s some toy you’re using and then you throw him away when his purpose is gone. Listen to me, you are not breaking up with him. If you don’t want him to love you then make him fall out of love with you, bas don’t be like ‘Hey 5aled, by the way it’s over. Thanks, bye’. “

“Sarooo…” I didn’t have time to finish my sentence. You have no idea what happened to me next. NO IDEA. I took a quick look at my phone and I saw his name on the screen. And right there, on my screen was:

5aled Al X

I actually think for a split second there, my heart stopped functioning. Then, it started beating so hard against my chest I thought it was going to push its way out of my body mn kthr ma how fast it was beating. Then, I disconnected the call and started hyperventilating.

He heard everything…


  1. OUCH! :|
    My eyes are literally about to pop out of their sockets. Okay, maybe not literally but still! Ay shay! Aaah, can't wait for more!:*

  2. :O



    Now he dumps her?

  3. Lilo - Thanks :D and loool my sister said the same thing

    M - ee wallah miskeen :( hmmm, you'll have to wait and see i guess xD

  4. OMG!!!
    allah may'6rb ib 3a9a...hmph
    miskeeeen 5aled;'(

  5. OMG.. he heard everything!!!!! I'm in shock right now.. he needed to know bas not like that.. o I don't know what to say I'm dumbfounded here..

  6. 7aram khaled is soo sweet... she doesn't deserve him :O
    when is the next post?!!?!

  7. Awww!! I feel really bad for 5alid :( 7asseito the nicest guy on EARTH!

  8. :O :O :O

    Shit ? :)

    NEXT, now!

  9. maskeen 5alood - yaksir il5a6er - i hope he heard it cos if thats how she feels and she was too chicken shit to break it off with him, then fate made it happen.

  10. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay mawqef bayeeeeeeeeeee`7 7araaaaaaaaaaaam `7aled maskeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen :((((
    new post plzzzzzz

  11. :O

    I am now going to become a follower of your blog, I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Juju is acting kind of bitchy but I guess she can't help it, I mean we girls tend to do that alot and for no particular reason, I feel bad for 5aled. :(


  12. OMG 5aled is like PRINCE CHARMING I love him he's so understanding I hate Jooj she's such a bitch!!!!!!!!!!! She can't realize how lucky she was to get someone like him by chance omg no :( I love 5aled

  13. shit, he heard everything maskeen I feel bad for him ;s

